ACBC Monthly Newsletter – July 2019

8 July 2019

Message from the CEO

Although hard work and persistence are the foundation of a successful career, we can overlook the importance that rest and relaxation play in our productivity and overall success. Many businesses now realise the importance of this and emphasise a balanced approach to work. Constantly multitasking, eating lunch at your desk and running between meetings can be counterproductive. According to the Harvard Business Review, taking short breaks after working for 90-minute periods and taking a real lunch break is more productive than working straight through without a break. This is because the body and mind need time to rejuvenate throughout the day.

There’s also a growing body of research that highlights the importance of getting the right amount of sleep. A lack of sleep can contribute to poor work performance, anxiety and depression, obesity and lower academic results. In fact, numerous studies have shown a strong connection between a lack of sleep and poor academic performance.

Holiday breaks are an excellent time to rejuvenate ourselves. Stepping away for a few days or weeks gives the mind and body time to relax and enables us to return to our work and studies with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

As we approach the end of the term and the halfway point for many of you, remember the importance of taking time out to achieve balance and maximise your long-term productivity. The upcoming break is good opportunity to rest your mind, relax and reflect on your achievements so far this year.

We look forward to seeing you after the break.

To view the rest of the July 2019 Newsletter, click here