22 November 2021
While our students continue to study online through online classes via Zoom, we’re looking towards the future and the eventual return of in-class learning.
Youth unemployment has been a challenge in Australia. The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened this. A report released earlier this year – What VET Can Offer to COVID-19 Youth Unemployment Recovery – examines the role of the vocational education and training sector in protecting young people from unemployment and underemployment. According to the report authors, the three approaches to support young people in gaining long-term employment include vocational pathways in secondary schools, work-based training activities and career planning services.
According to the report, “VET qualifications with a work-based training component have been shown to protect youth from the scarring effects of unemployment but can be made even more effective by strengthening the links between training and stable employment and giving students the chance to develop broad occupational skills.”
As the economy recovers, businesses will need many skilled staff to fill positions. By offering all three approaches at ACBC, we are playing a role in helping young people gain employment and launch their careers.
At ACBC, we’re proud to be part of the effort to provide the vocational education and training needed for the future of Australia’s economy. One example is community services, which is one of the fastest-growing sectors. Besides being in high demand, community service roles offer many benefits, including flexible work hours and employment opportunities in regional areas. Our Diploma of Community Services helps to meet the growing demand for professionals in this area.
Over the years, we have expanded our offerings to make it possible for more people to gain the benefits of education and training. This includes EVET, online opportunities and fee-free JobTrainer courses.
To view the rest of the November 2021 Newsletter, click here