ACBC Monthly Newsletter – October 2019

29 September 2019

Message from the CEO

It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of Term 3 — and are now on the home stretch. When I look back at our year to date, I am reminded of all the growth I have seen as our students have gone after their career and study goals. There have been challenges along the way but seeing so many students achieve remarkable things makes it all worthwhile.

Most students who are interested in furthering their education at university have now applied for the 2020 academic year. Others have already been offered full-time or part-time jobs through their outstanding efforts during Work Placement.

With between 5 and 10 weeks left for our Diploma students — depending on their course — we now will see some real achievements. All the hard work they have put into studies and Work Placement is starting to pay off in the form of new opportunities.

It was a pleasure to welcome prospective students and trainees to our Open Day on September 21. Our guests had the opportunity to learn about their study, training and career options. Thank you to all who attended and our staff and students who assisted on the day. We are holding a second Open Day on Wednesday, 2 October, and invite prospective students and their families to attend.

In September, our Director of Studies and I met with government ministers in Sydney and Canberra to discuss the VET sector. I had a one-on-one meeting with the Assistant Minister for Vocational Education, Training and Apprenticeships Steve Irons in Canberra. It was a productive meeting. We discussed the importance of VET and he welcomed our feedback on government policies, including the Joyce Review of the VET system. Although ACBC are members of many industry associations, it’s important to make our voice heard in Canberra where decisions about the future of VET are made.

We have met with a number of ministers and assistant ministers over the past five years as well as shadow ministers to make sure we stay on top of policy developments that can affect our current and future students. Nick, our Director of Studies, also attended an industry forum in Sydney with the Assistant Minister and other government representatives. We look forward to seeing how the sector benefits from government initiatives.

To view the rest of the October 2019 Newsletter, click here