Careers Advice Session

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Do you need help deciding what direction to take in your career? Would you like to discuss the best options available to you as a school leaver? Are you considering re-entering the workforce and want to upgrade your skills?

If so, you can make an appointment using the form below with one of our experienced Career Advisors who can help with your career planning.

Our Advisors can provide you with the very latest information about our study courses as well as assisting with:

  • Interview preparation
  • Resume tips and advice
  • Labour market trends
  • Scholarships
  • Alternative entry pathways into university
  • Fee and payment options

All Australian Careers Business College students have access to our Career Advisors who are available to assist students with any query, from enrolment to graduation.

This free, professional service is available to help you to plan and explore your career opportunities.  Whether you need assistance deciding which course to choose; discuss career options; organise work experience; find out which universities you can enrol into; or meet your future teacher, our advisors can help you.

We also support students in the pursuit of their chosen career to develop job strategies including career guidance, resume preparation and interview techniques. We will assist you in finding your ideal job.

Book in for a Careers Advice Session…