Parent Information

Information for parents and families

The final years of secondary school are pivotal to your child’s future. Certainly there is plenty to enjoy, but now is the time that future careers need to be considered. Perhaps your child has a career in mind or they do not, but know what they want out of a job. Parents are perfectly placed to help students connect with the right information to make well-informed decisions about their post-school transitions. Often there are several different pathways students can take to reach the same career destination. The key is to pinpoint which route best serves your child.

There is much you can do to help your child choose their next step upon finishing school. Encourage them to keep an open mind, research their options and get professional advice. You may even like to get some specialist support yourself.

ACBC has a range of learning solutions designed to suit the needs of young people. Choose form full time face to face study at our Liverpool Campus, or structured and supported on line study.

When your son or daughter reaches 17 years of age, they are legally permitted to leave school.

NSW legislation also requires that a young person completes year 10. For young people who have completed year 10 but have not reached 17 years of age, there are a number of options such as attending TAFE, or a private college.

TAFEs or private colleges are strong options for school leavers. Alternatively your child may go on to complete years 11 and 12. Here HSC subject selection becomes integral. When students enjoy their studies they are more likely to reach their highest ATAR score potential.

HSC subject choice

When your son or daughter is choosing HSC subjects, it’s important that they choose subjects they enjoy and can succeed in. This will help them achieve the highest ATAR they can.

Some VET courses can also be studied as part of the HSC and can count towards your son or daughter’s ATAR.

For more information on what an ATAR is and the specific requirements to receive one, click here.

Further study is the finest way to optimise future employment prospects. Possible study pathways include vocational education and training (VET) courses.

Study options after year 12 include:

University study

University degrees are internationally recognised professional qualifications. First-level university degrees are known as undergraduate degreesbachelor’s degreesdegree programs or simply courses.

The benefits of university study include:

  • the opportunity to work overseas, because university degrees are internationally recognised,
  • Strong employment prospects and opportunities for better pay in professions where a degree is an advantage

Vocational education and training (VET)

Vocational education and training (VET) courses are offered by TAFE and private colleges, like Australian Careers Business College. These courses lead to nationally recognised qualifications.

The benefits of VET courses include:

  • improved employment opportunities
  • practical, hands-on skills and knowledge
  • national certification in a wide range of areas
  • flexibility and affordability – courses can be shorter and less expensive than university degrees.
  • Pathways to university with credit transfers for those students who are not accepted into their university course of their choice based on their ATAR

Choosing the best option

The options your son or daughter will pursue after school are likely to be based on what jobs and careers they are considering, which in turn should be guided by the things they are interested in and good at.

Many students do not have a career in mind when they finish school. Many people switch between different fields of study, different jobs and even a range of careers throughout life.

Here are some ways you can help your son or daughter to choose:

  • Encourage them to keep an open mind – particularly when they are looking at jobs which may once have been considered suitable only for men, or only for women. Today, there are plenty of male nurses, and plenty of female engineers!
  • Encourage them to talk to you and other people about what they might like to do, and support them in the choices they make.
  • Suggest that they make a list of the study areas and activities they are interested in and good at, both at school and outside school.
  • Encourage them to explore what jobs and careers connect with their interests and abilities.
  • Encourage them to seek work experience or undertake volunteer work in areas they are interested in. You can help by contacting friends and family about work experience their employers might offer.
  • Suggest they discuss the jobs and careers they are interested in with the school Careers Adviser and with friends or relatives in those careers or jobs.
  • Suggest they look at the job ads in newspapers to see what qualifications are required for the jobs that they are interested in.
  • Suggest that they look at the courses offered in the study areas they are interested in.

We have qualified careers advisors on each campus who offer free consultations to school students, it’s a great opportunity to talk about strengths and interests and map out a path to a suitable career. Book Now.

More than one qualification

  • Many people hold more than one qualification from more than one education provider. Some qualifications provide general skills; others are more specialised, practical or advanced.
  • Having a range of qualifications makes your son or daughter better equipped to apply for more jobs. When they enter the workforce, their career and salary prospects will also be improved if they keep their skills up-to-date by taking short courses.
  • Some private college qualifications are also eligible for credit recognition by universities. In other words, if your son or daughter completes a VET  qualification before applying to university, they will not need to study university subjects that are similar to subjects they have already passed. This will shorten their degree and reduce the cost of university study. Credit recognition is usually given on a case-by-case basis.

Today an increasingly competitive economy directly impacts employment prospects. As a school leaver your child is faced with decisions that affect their future employability and lifestyle. Naturally, you want to support your child as best you can towards their brightest future. Further education secures your child better employment prospects, including:

  • Access to broader and more rewarding career choices
  • More interesting industry and employment options
  • Greater promotion and salary prospects
  • Nationally-recognised qualifications respected by industry and creating a foundation to further study
  • Opportunities to become a leader, innovator and key contributor in the world.

The Australian Careers Business College provides a range of resources to support students through every step of their study journey. Qualified Careers Advisors help students with study skills, career planning, interview techniques and more. Speak with us today to learn more about our student support services. Or have your child benefit from a one-on-one meeting with an ACBC Careers Advisor.

Meet a Careers Advisor

We offer careers consultations for students in Years 10 - 12