ACBC Monthly Newsletter – March 2016

Sunday, 3rd April 2016

Message from the CEO

It’s great to see our students settling in, making friends and adjusting to the demands of college life.

Besides the career skills and knowledge gained in the classroom, we also emphasise the ‘soft skills’ required for success in the workplace. These skills can be summarised by the word professionalism. Professionalism has been defined as the skill, good judgment, and polite behaviour that are expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. Being professional includes your overall approach to how you interact with others and get your work done. A few characteristics of professionalism include being on time to start your work and being punctual at meetings throughout the day; dressing appropriately according to the standards of your workplace; avoiding office gossip and treating others with respect; doing what you say you will do and getting your job done; and asking questions when you need help.

In addition, a crucial foundation of your professionalism is attitude. In your career, your attitude is how you feel about your work, your customers and your colleagues. If you have a negative attitude to begin with, you will not get the results you need to progress in your career. So your attitude can be just as important as the knowledge and skills you are developing. As Lou Holtz said, ‘Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.’

To view the rest of the March 2016 Newsletter, click here.