Liverpool student shows first-class fundraising ingenuity for childhood cancer research

Fundraising can have such sweet results — especially when it involves cupcakes in aid of ending childhood cancer and is an example of dedication from fundraisers. The Kids Cancer Project’s Cupcakes for a Cureinitiative is now $500 richer thanks to ACBC Liverpool student, Cassandra Kalwy.

The Kids Cancer Project is one of the largest funders of childhood cancer research in Australia. The Project is also currently hosting Cassandra on work placement and she is adding value every step of the way. When Cassandra learned of the Cupcakes for a Cure event she got creatively proactive in her support. Knowing that at ACBC, we pride ourselves on our strong community spirit and wholehearted support of our students, Cassandra made ours the first door she knocked on to enlist our involvement. How could we say no to such clever networking or such a worthy cause? ACBC is donating $500 to the Cupcakes for a Cure event being held this September.

Now ACBC may be the first prospective supporter Cassandra approached but we are by no means the last. Cassandra is developing networking skills and making great contacts to support The Kids Cancer Project with their current and future fundraising initiatives.

Our ACBC work placement program is built on powerful partnerships with our host employers, The Kids Cancer Project included. Outcomes from work placement are certainly career changing and life changing.Through work placement, our students have the opportunity to make a real difference in the communities in which they work, just like Cassandra has.