ACBC Monthly Newsletter – March 2019

3 March 2019

Message from the CEO

I am excited to welcome the Class of 2019 to Australian Careers Business College. We are proud that you have chosen to join over 8,000 students who have come through our doors since 1996. We look forward to guiding you on your path to employment and higher education.

You are now beginning a transformational time in your life. Over the next 10 months you will build valuable career skills, gain hands-on industry experience, develop professional networks and make new friends. As you begin your studies, I would like to share a few keys to succeeding at ACBC.

First, always ask questions when you don’t know the answer to something. There is nothing wrong with asking for help – that’s how we learn and grow. Your trainers, Campus Manager and Careers Advisors are here to assist you.

Second, apply yourselves and give it all your effort. This includes planning ahead to ensure you take the time to study and avoid getting behind with assessments.

Third, get the right balance between studying, socialising and working. We all need balance to function properly, so determine how much time you will need for each area.

Remember that classroom learning and assignments are important throughout the year, but we will also take time to make friends, serve our communities and have fun at campus events.

Our aim at ACBC is to re-create the workplace environment so you can gain the skills employers need. Your study, in-class experiences and Work Placement are a solid foundation for building your careers. Employers seek our graduates because they have earned a reputation for having positive attitudes and sound knowledge, while presenting themselves professionally.

To our new students who joined us recently and students who returned after the summer break, we look forward to encouraging and supporting you to get the most out of your experience and watching you succeed during your time at ACBC.

We are also excited about new traineeships commencing this semester. Traineeships are an excellent way to gain career knowledge and a qualification while being employed.

To view the rest of the March 2019 Newsletter, click here

ACBC Open Day – Saturday, January 12

Discover Your Options at ACBC Open Day

Saturday, 12 January 2018

Join us for an ACBC Open Day at our Liverpool campus. 
Explore your options for 2019 now that HSC is over. Get nationally recognised training with Work Placement and a fast track to university. No ATAR is required.

Call 02 9824 0000 to arrange a free expert career guidance session at Open Day.

Parents are welcome.

Time: 10.00am – 3.30pm

Location: ACBC Liverpool Campus, 28 Memorial Ave, Liverpool

ACBC Graduation Newsletter – December 2018

21 December 2018

Message from the CEO

Congratulations to the Class of 2018 who were recognised at the ACBC Graduation Ceremony on 19 December.

It’s hard to match the feeling of pride I experience each year when I watch our students reach an important milestone on their career paths. It has been inspiring to watch our students grow so much in the past year as they built solid academic and career foundations. We have been pleased to see so many of our students making major progress towards their career goals.

We are grateful to everyone who made it possible for our students to achieve so much during their year at ACBC. Thank you to the parents and families of our students, our trainers, Careers Advisors and Student Services team, and our Work Placement hosts and community supporters.

Although it’s sad to see a wonderful group of young people leave us, we know it’s time for them to advance on their journeys. We look forward to welcoming a new group of eager students in 2019.

To view the rest of the Graduation Newsletter, click here

ACBC Open Day – Saturday, December 15

Discover Your Options at ACBC Open Day

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Join us for an ACBC Open Day at our Liverpool campus. 
Explore your options for 2019 now that HSC is over. Get nationally recognised training with Work Placement and a fast track to university. No ATAR is required.

Call 02 9824 0000 to arrange a free expert career guidance session at Open Day.

Parents are welcome.

Time: 10.00am – 3.30pm

Location: ACBC Liverpool Campus, 28 Memorial Ave, Liverpool

ACBC Monthly Newsletter – December 2018

2 December 2018

Message from the CEO

The word ‘disruption’ is now used often to describe the turbulent environment that businesses operate in. A few years ago, business disruption was the rare exception, but it’s now a reality that companies face on a regular basis. The same is true of careers as globalisation and technology have increased the potential for rapid change.

Fortunately, there are things we can do to stay ahead of disruption. One way is to stay ahead of the curve. This means keeping up to date about what is going on in your industry and taking the steps to gain new skills and knowledge. For example, if new technology is being introduced into your field, taking the initiative to master it will put you ahead of the curve. This might include getting new certifications or qualifications.

Another way to stay ahead of disruption is to be resilient. If you lose a job due to disruption in your industry, don’t panic. Often a disruption is an opportunity to look for new opportunities in your current field or a related one where you can transfer your existing skills and knowledge. Resilience is connected to another crucial part of staying ahead of disruption – and that is to turn negatives into positives.

In careers as well as life, we have to be able to get back into the ring when we are disrupted. This requires looking for the positive and every challenging situation and learning from it.

To view the rest of the December 2018 Newsletter, click here

ACBC Open Day – Saturday, November 17

Discover Your Options at ACBC Open Day

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Join us for an ACBC Open Day at our Liverpool campus. 
Explore your options for 2019 now that HSC is over. Get nationally recognised training with Work Placement and a fast track to university. No ATAR is required.

Call 02 9824 0000 to arrange a free expert career guidance session at Open Day.

Parents are welcome.

Time: 10.30am – 3.30pm

Location: ACBC Liverpool Campus, 28 Memorial Ave, Liverpool

ACBC Monthly Newsletter – November 2018

6 November 2018

Message from the CEO

Change is in the air as we enter the final month of spring. Our students are seeing their hard work pay off by reaching their academic and career goals. Many have already been offered full-time roles after they graduate, while others have received early university offers.

This is also the time of year when many high school students are eagerly awaiting their HSC results and are not sure about their next steps. Regardless of the outcome of their HSC exams, they need to remember that there are many options available for continuing their education and starting a career.

Vocational education should not be viewed as the second-best choice, but a viable option that can open many doors. It gives students practical job skills that can make them productive from day one in their chosen career or be a stepping stone for university studies.

In addition, the hands-on Work Placement we offer enables our students to gain insights on what it’s like to work in their chosen field — plus they get the opportunity to make important industry contacts, giving them an advantage in launching their careers!

To view the rest of the November 2018 Newsletter, click here

ACBC Monthly Newsletter – October 2018

8 October 2018

Message from the CEO

It’s hard to believe that we are starting Term 4 — the home stretch. When I look back at our year to date, I am reminded of all the growth I have seen as our students have gone after their career and study goals. There have been challenges along the way but seeing so many students achieve remarkable things makes it all worthwhile.

Most students who are interested in furthering their education at university have now applied for the 2019 academic year. Others have already been offered full-time or part-time jobs through their outstanding efforts during Work Placement.

With between 5 and 10 weeks left for our diploma students — depending on their course — we now will see some real achievements. All the hard work they have put into studies and Work Placement is starting to pay off in the form of new opportunities.

It was a pleasure to welcome prospective students and trainees to our Open Day on October 3rd. Our guests had the opportunity to learn about their study, training and career options. Thank you to all who attended and our staff and students who assisted on the day.

To view the rest of the October 2018 Newsletter, click here.

ACBC Monthly Newsletter – September 2018

2 September 2018

Message from the CEO

Teamwork plays an important part in career development. At ACBC we promote this among our students, administration staff and trainers. One recent opportunity to work as a team was Jeans for Genes Day in early August. We worked together as well as with our local communities to raise money for this important cause. The funds raised will assist in funding vital research that helps scientists at the Children’s Medical Research Institute discover treatments and cures to give every child the opportunity to live a long and healthy life. Thank you to all who participated for making Jeans for Genes Day a resounding success.

In September, we will have another opportunity for teamwork and to get involved with our communities at our Open Day. Our alumni, staff, trainers, Work Placement hosts and other local leaders get involved to make our Open Day a community event. Open Day gives high school students the opportunity to discuss their options with Careers Advisors, gain insights from ACBC alumni who have launched careers, and hear from industry experts in a number of fields. In addition, our Open Day is another way for us to connect with local businesses and the communities we serve. We look forward to seeing you.

To view the rest of the September 2018 Newsletter, click here.

ACBC Monthly Newsletter – August 2018

7 August 2018

Message from the CEO

Australian Careers Business College students get a strong educational foundation in the classroom in addition to hands-on learning through Work Placement. Other important aspects of the business world we emphasise are contributing to the larger community and being a responsible corporate citizen who considers the legal, ethical and social aspects of their work.

More businesses are looking at the big picture of how their actions impact society. The term ‘corporate social responsibility’ is used to describe the way a business takes into account the financial, environmental and social impacts of its decisions and actions. One way that organisations promote social responsibility is by getting involved to assist with important issues on both local and national levels.

At ACBC we get involved as well. Each year we are proud to support Jeans for Genes Day. On this special day we wear denim to raise valuable funds for the Children’s Medical Research Institute’s fight against childhood genetic diseases. We are proud to see staff, students, trainers and local businesses working together again to support this great cause.

To view the rest of the August 2018 Newsletter, click here.