Online Student Profile: Torabi Babak Sarkandi

Name: Babak Sarkandi 

Course: CHC52015 Diploma of Community Service (online)

Favourite thing about studying at ACBC:  My favourite thing about studying at ACBC is the fact that the trainers are very knowledgeable and are always there to answer my questions and offer me assistance when I need it.  The reception staff are also great to talk to and get things done quickly. 

What are you enjoying about your online study and course at ACBC? The thing I enjoy most is the flexibility. I can study when my children are at school or asleep.  I don’t need to travel to a classroom so I can also be there to take them to their activities. Studying online has helped me and my family because it made the prospect of studying possible.  If there was no online offer, I would not have been able to study.  

How has your experience with us been: I have had a great experience and will choose ACBC again in the future if you want to study some more.  

What are your plans after completing the course: I look forward to returning to the workforce and using the knowledge I have gained into action. 

Advice to ACBC students: if you need help ask for it.  The skills and knowledge you will gain will set you up for a great future.  Everyone is willing to help, but no one knows you need it till you ask for it.